Our PDU can treat:

  • ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances)
  • POP's (Persistent Organic Pollutants)
  • PCB's (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)
  • CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbons)

Features and Benefits


PLASCON® is not an incinerator. It utilises pyrolysis, which is a process of degradation, resulting from extreme temperatures, to break down concentrated organic waste molecules.
Destruction efficiencies in excess of 99.9999% are common.
PLASCON® utilises an electrical discharge process which can be controlled by an electronic control system with extremely short response times.
A single 150kW unit can process 1 to 3 tonne/day depending on the waste to be treated.
PLASCON®  is suitable for gases and liquids. Solids need to be converted to liquid or gaseous form before treatment.
Units are modular. By installing multiple units, an increase in throughput can be accommodated as the need arises.
Utilises conventional chemical process concepts.
PLASCON® can be configured for on-site, in situ operation, within a production plant; the waste does not have to be transported to a central facility.
The process is equally well suited for destroying stockpiled waste.
The skid mounted PLASCON® plant is very compact, being approximately the size of a shipping container.

Ultimate elimination of hazardous waste, either in-process or stockpiled.
PLASCON® offers extremely safe operation. The entire process is fully computer controlled and monitored, if required shutdown can be effected within milliseconds.
Key process elements are maintained under vacuum to avoid in-process gas leakage to atmosphere.
No toxic residues are generated.
Emissions to the atmosphere are substantially lower than existing and proposed international standards.
Relative to comparable technologies, the capital cost is low.
Operating costs for concentrated organic wastes are very competitive.
Servicing is simple, clean and inexpensive.
Plant utilisation above 90% is common.
The plant can be shutdown and back up and running in less than half an hour.
Operators of the PLASCON® process, require a basic understanding of conventional chemical processing techniques.
Minimal plant supervision is required while the process is in operation. If so desired the plant can be remotely monitored and controlled from a central control room.